MacWorld 1997 September
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Serious Software
Presenter 3D
Presenter 3D Docs
Presenter Reference Digest
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Tool palette
Click the Close box to turn the palette display “off”.
Selector [a]
Use the Selector tool to select and intuitively position/reposition items in the
View windows.
2D/3D Rotate [r] [t]
Use the Rotate tool to intuitively rotate a geometric object(s) about its rotation
point in the View windows. (not for use with cameras, lights, nor microphones).
Hand [h]
Use the Hand tool to pan the view in the View windows (does not affect the
position of items in the scene).
Magnifier [z]
Zoom-In the view in the View windows: click, or drag a marquee area to
zoom-in. (does not affect position/size of items in the scene).
Point Light (bulb) [b]
Click-drag in a View window; places the light, and intuitively sets the fall-off
radius. Light spreads out in all directions. Light effect is brighter near the center,
and dimmer at the edge of the fall-off radius.
Parallel (sun) Light [l]
Click-drag in a View window; places the light, and intuitively sets the target
point. LIght projects in the direction determined by the vector from the light to its
target. Even light effect over entire scene; no fall-off.
Spot Light [s]
Click-drag in a View window; places the light and intuitively sets the target
point (observe Active Camera window Preview to see how the light falls on the
scene). Light spreads out in a cone shape from the light toward its target.
Light effect is brighter near light, and dimmer near the target; cone not visible
on render.
To intuitvely change the size of the spot, drag the solid control points on the
spot cone in the View windows.
To intuitively make a soft edge spot, drag the clear control points on the spot
cone in the View windows.
Projector Light [q]
For projecting a PICT image (or QuickTime movie) as if from a real-world
projector; the projected image renders as a transparent image on objects in its
field of influence. (transparency depends on the Brightness of the light).
Click-drag in a View window; places the light and intuitively sets the target point
(observe Active Camera window Preview to see how the light falls on the
scene). Light effect is brighter near light, and dimmer near the target.
To apply a PICT (or QuickTime movie): double-click on the light to access its
Cell Info dialog; drag a PICT (or QuickTime movie) from Attributes window
(Windows menu) onto the Attributes bin at the bottom of the Cell Info dialog.
Camera [c]
Click-drag in a View window; places the camera and intuitively sets the target
point (observe Active Camera window Preview to see view of the scene as you
set the target point).
To use a PICT image as a static background to the scene: double-click on the
camera to access its Cell Info dialog; drag a PICT from Attributes window
(Windows menu) onto the Attributes bin at the bottom of the Cell Info dialog.
PICT background will render, but will not show in the Active Camera Preview.
Omni-directional mic [m]
Click-drag in a View window; places the light, and intuitively sets the fall-off
radius. Sound detection zone is spherical. Sound near the center is recorded
louder, and sound near the fall-ff radius is recorded softer.
Directional mic [d]
Click-drag in a View window; places the light and intuitively sets the target
point. Sound detection zone is cone-shaped. Sound near the center is
recorded louder, and sound near the target is recorded softer.
To record a Doppler sound effect: attach a sound to a moving object; the
object must be moving at a significant rate of speed to create the Doppler
effect (try starting at 60 mph (88 fps)). Set the sound to be recorded by 3D
Space Microphones. Set up two omni-directional microphones eight inches
apart (roughly the distance between your ears) in the scene, in a position
where the object with the sound will pass nearby. Set one of the microphones
to Attach to Track: Left Stereo, and one to Attach to Track: Right Stereo.
Choose Mix Sound Tracks from the Action menu. Now you can play/preview
the sound in the Active Camera window.